Our Products
We meet all the needs of our clients in respect of LED Lighting and Solar Solutions
LED Lighting
Solar Components
Solar Products
Custom products
Our Skills
We are qualified and experienced Mechanical and Electrical Engineers. We have been manufacturing and supplying LED and Solar Solutions since 2000. We therefore have sufficient knowledge and experience to meet our clients needs and requirements.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is grid tied and of grid solar systems?
With a grid tied system the power generated by your solar modules is used in your home, the excess power generated is fed back into your power suppliers’ grid (Eskom or your Municipality). This will result in a lower electricity Bill at the end of the month.
With an off grid system you generate and use your own power. During the day your system stores the power generated by the solar modules in the batteries and during the evening you use the power. Please note with this system you cannot feed back into the grid. With an off grid system you can use the grid or a generator as a back up in case something goes wrong with your solar system.
Why should I use solar power?
This question has various answers depending on what type of solar system you install.
- If you install a grid tied your electricity Bill will be lower at the end of each month.
- You can install an off grid system if you want to be independent or the connection to the grid would be costly if you live in a rural area.
It doesn’t matter what system you use you and the planet will always benefit.
How do solar panels work?
As the sun shines on your panels during the day a direct current (DC) is generated (direct current is the same as in batteries). This direct current is then controlled by your regulator to charge your batteries. The direct current has to be converted into alternating current (AC) to be used in your home this conversion is done by the inverter.
What will it cost to take an average house off the grid?
How long is a string? This will all depend on how many light and what type of lights is used, how many appliances and what type of appliances. So each system will be designed to your needs. If a supplier starts advertising systems for say a 3 bedroom house that system will be designed for the minimum usage and you will have to add onto the system or the batteries will be drained very quickly or not even charged fully during the day. Be aware of these systems.
What is the difference between Watt, kilowatt and kilowatt-hour.
A Kilowatt is a thousand (1000) Watts. Watt is the unit for power, to make it simple it’s the Volts times the current (Ampere) it get a bit more complicated but for the purpose of this article you can use this approximation. Kilowatt-hour is kilowatts per hour, say you consume 1 kilowatt for 1 hour, that is 1 kilowatt-hour.